How we decide whether to list an asset
When we receive a nomination, the first thing we need to do is decide whether it matches the description of an ‘asset of community value’ that’s written in the Localism Act 2011. If an asset does match the description, and isn’t in an ‘excluded category’ (e.g. residential housing), we’ll add it to our list of assets. We have 8 weeks from the time we receive a nomination to decide whether to add an asset to our list.
If we decide to add an asset to our list we’ll let the asset’s owner, asset’s occupier and organisation who made the nomination (nominator) know. The asset will then stay on our list for 5 years.
After 5 years we’ll remove it from our list. At this point local groups can nominate it for the list again.
What happens if the owner of an asset is unhappy?
If you’re the owner of an asset and you’re unhappy that it’s been listed, you can write to us to ask us to review our decision. We aim to complete all reviews within 8 weeks, unless we agree an extension with the owner who asked for the review
If the review’s successful, we’ll remove the asset from our list. We’ll write to you, the asset’s occupier and the nominator to let you all know our decision.
If the review’s unsuccessful, you have the right to appeal to an independent tribunal. We will send you information about how to do this when we write to you to tell you our decision.
You may also be able to claim compensation for loss of expenses as a direct result of the asset being added to our list. If you’re an owner and want to claim compensation you must write to us within 13 weeks of the expense. Your claim must say how much compensation you’re asking for and include evidence of the expense.