How to return a Blue Badge if you no longer need it.
You will need to return a badge if:
- the badge has expired
- the badge holder has sadly passed away (contact the Blue Badge Team on 0121 738 2656 before returning the badge so that the badge can be cancelled ensuring no further correspondence is made)
- your medical condition or mobility improves and you are no longer eligible
- a replacement badge has been issued for one that is lost or stolen and the original one is recovered (then the original badge must be returned)
- the badge is no longer required and will not be used
- the badge is damaged or faded
- you have misused it
- you obtained it dishonestly
- you have tried to let another person use it
In the event of any of the above, return the badge to the following address:
PO BOX 10605
Page last updated: 29 September 2023