Hidden Disability Blue Badge application or appeal
If applying for a Blue Badge under the ‘Hidden Disability’ criteria, be aware you will need to provide supporting evidence confirming the following:
- diagnosis of your medical condition/disability
- symptoms/effects of your condition/disability
You will need to:
- explain the need for the Blue Badge in line with the criteria for Hidden Disabilities.
- confirm if you experience any psychological distress whilst walking or are at risk of harm to yourself or others whilst walking.
- provide a list of possible coping strategies which you have tried out, to help manage your condition, and why these are not effective.
Examples of types of supporting evidence that can be obtained (where applicable) and considered include the following:
- consultant letters.
- school or SENCO reports.
- letters from other health professionals involved in your care such as Psychologists, Psychiatrist, Physiotherapist, Neurologist, Children’s Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
- GP supporting letter which details evidence to support criteria.
Page last updated: 10 October 2023