Sensory Impairment Services

A sight or hearing loss disability can include:

  • visual impairments
  • hearing loss
  • deafblindness
  • profoundly deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users

If you have sight or hearing loss that is having an impact on your daily life, you may be eligible for extra support from us.

Our services aim to help you:

  • be as independent as possible, for as long as possible
  • enjoy a full life, safely and with confidence
  • stay in the place where you choose to live

If you have sight loss issues, you do not have to be registered with your sight loss condition to receive our support.

We offer services to support adults aged 18 or older with sight or hearing loss, who live in or have an established link to Birmingham. We can also offer support to family, friends and carers.

These services are provided by the council’s contracted partner BID, in partnership with FOCUS.

How to use our services

To be eligible to use our services, you must be aged 18 or older.

For us to work out how much help you will need to make life easier for you, we will need to carry out an assessment with you.

This will be a conversation between yourself and a social worker. They will aim to understand what help and support you might need.

What happens during the conversation

The social worker will contact you by telephone, or arrange to visit you if you prefer, to have a conversation with you.

During the conversation, they will aim to identify your strengths and needs. They will also provide advice and information on services or local community resources that may help you.

Contact Adult Social Care services

Other support options

Birmingham Connect to Support Community Directory

Visit our connect to support website community directory. Here you can access a range of groups, activities and local resources that may help you.

Birmingham Carer’s HUB

The Birmingham Carer’s HUB can offer a wide range of support and services to carers in Birmingham. The HUB is delivered by Forward Carers on behalf of the council.

Support for children

The Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS) can offer information to help children (from birth to 17 years old).

Page last updated: 19 December 2023

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