Important ecological or geological sites
Birmingham has a diverse range of biodiversity and geodiversity assets, including sites, habitats and species of national, regional and local importance.
Important are designated as either Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Local Nature Reserves (LNRs), Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) or Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINCs).
The City Council will designate additional SINCs, SLINCs or LNRs where there is adequate supporting information and sites may receive new or increased protection. Designation of SINCs and SLINCs will be in line with guidance produced by the Birmingham and Black Country Local Sites Partnership.
You can view a map of sites which are currently designated as being of national, regional or local importance.
In addition to these designated sites, the City includes a wide range of other semi-natural green spaces of value to wildlife that help to connect designated sites. These areas are also shown on the council’s map of sites and are listed as Potential Sites of Importance (PSI).
Background information on the recorded distribution of protected, priority and other notable species can be obtained from the Local Biological Records Centre – EcoRecord. Details of services and charges can be found on the EcoRecord website.