Personal data will not be retained any longer than necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was obtained, and in accordance with our data retention schedule:
Planning Pre-application Advice:
- Records relating to pre-application advice will be retained from the date of creation for a period of 3 years as recommended by the Records Management Service;
Planning Applications:
- Decision Notices on planning applications will be retained permanently as recommended by the Records Management Service;
- Records relating to planning registers (such as approved plans) are kept permanently as recommended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995;
- For significant developments, supporting documents (such as officer reports and Statutory consultee responses) will be retained.
- For developments without s106 negotiations, officer reports will be retained but other supporting documents (such as Statutory consultee responses) will be destroyed after 4 years for delegated decisions and after 6 years for committee decisions.
- Temporary documents used to make a decision, such as third party representations, will be destroyed when the application is finally disposed of (following a decision and after the period for appealing has passed or where an appeal has been decided).Planning Appeals:
- Records relating to planning appeals will be retained from the conclusion of the appeal plus 6 years as recommended by the Limitation Act 1980;
Planning Enforcement:
- Records relating to the process of enforcing building or land regulations will be retained from the date of compliance with the notice for a period of 10 years as recommended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995;
- Records relating to informal enforcement notices will be retained from the date of compliance with the notice for a period of 3 years as recommended by the Records Management Service;
- Records relating to disputes over high hedges will be retained for the current financial year plus 6 years as recommended by the Limitation Act 1980;
Tree Preservation Orders:
- Records relating to Tree Preservation Orders are retained permanently as recommended by the Town and Country Planning (Trees) 1999.
Building Regulation Applications:
- Records relating to building regulations applications in relation to listed or other significant buildings are retained permanently as recommended by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990;
- Records relating to building regulations applications in relation to all other buildings will be retained from the issue of the final certificate of inspection + 15 years as recommended by the Building Control Performance Standards 2006;