This privacy notice explains how we, Birmingham City Council (the ‘council’/’we’/’us’) Planning Authority use information in the course of our work as a local planning authority. This work includes:
- Making decisions on planning applications
- Providing pre-application advice
- Making planning policies and local plans
- Working with neighbouring authorities on strategic policies
- Responding to allegations of unlawful development
- Monitoring development
- Entering legal agreements, serving notices and promoting the best use of land
How we get your information
We get information from applicants in two ways – it is supplied to us directly (or via a planning agent on their behalf) or we receive it from a third-party website that provides a transaction service. We utilise the Planning Portal to process planning applications. We also receive comments, representations, allegations and questions via email, letter, and through our web site.
Under the planning application process personal data is collected, processed and stored on behalf of the council. Council officers process the data collected whilst determining the planning application and this data is stored on secure computers.
Our core obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and other general commitments regarding data protection are set out in the council’s privacy statement.