The Dingles


Highfield Road, Yardley Wood, Birmingham B13 0EU

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About the park

The Dingles is a green corridor of open and wooded space in Yardley Wood. It is centred on the confluence of the River Cole and its tributary Chinn Brook.

Its name means a deep hollow or dell, which is derived from the Old English word ‘dyngel’. In medieval times, sections of it were used as farmland.

Nowadays, much of the site is covered in woodland which features winding walks along the two waterways, with wildflower meadows and a good chance to spot wildlife. The remainder is made up of green open space which is popular for jogging, dog walking and sporting and recreational activities.

Those looking carefully can make out the signs of a medieval farm system on the ground, which saw the land divided into strips for cultivating.

The Dingles forms a section of the much bigger Shire Country Park which follows the course of the River Cole and the Millstream Way. It is named in honour of author J.R.R. Tolkien who grew up in the area (Sarehole Mill) and is believed to have based ‘The Shire’ – one of the main locations in his fantasy books – on this area.

The walk through The Dingles can be extended as part of a longer trek through Shire Country Park. There are also direct and easily accessible paths to nearby Chinn Brook Recreation Ground and Trittiford Mill Park.

Path along a small stretch of water with overhanging trees.
Video introduction

There are no toilets on site.
Points of interest
  • Part of the Shire Country Park, which was accredited to the site by Natural England
  • River Cole – rich in fish and a food source for otters
Other features
Park friends group

The Shire Country Park Friends

An active Friends group interested in the land alongside the River Cole between Yardley Wood and Tyseley.

For more information, or to get involved, visit the Shire Country Park Friends' Facebook page.

Parks friends group activities

Activities include:

  • litter picking
  • raising awareness of events taking place in the park
  • working with the Birmingham Parks Ranger Service to maintain and conserve the park
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