Non-Smoking Compliance Type of complaint Log in for a better experience If you want to return to this form later you can log in to or register for a BRUM account. Log in Register Select the type of complaint that you would like to make Required Smoking in an enclosed public area Insufficient No Smoking signs What type of vehicle or premises does the complaint relate to? Required Commercial Premises Domestic Premises Public Building Commercial or work vehicle Public Transport Provide the address of the premises: Required Postcode Lookup Provide the address of the premises: Required Postcode Lookup Describe the vehicle: Required If you know them, tell us the make, model and registration number of the vehicle/ If the vehicle has any other distinguishing features, a company name or logo for example, describe them. Provide details: Required Tell us what kind of public transport your complaint relates to. For example, if the complaint relates to a bus, provide the route number. If the vehicle has any other distinguishing features, describe them. Provide specific details of your complaint: For example, tell us if there is a specific part of the building or premises that lacks proper no-smoking signs. Provide any other information that you think may assist us in resolving your complaint. How are the alleged offenders linked to the premises or vehicle? Required Customer Member of Staff Resident Don’t Know Describe the alleged offender: For example, name, height, hair colour, or any other distinguishing features On what date did the incident occur? Required At roughly what time did the incident occur? Enter the approximate time of the incident in 24 hour clock format. Describe the incident and provide any further information which may help us deal with your complaint: