Second confirmed case of COVID-19 in Birmingham

Published: Wednesday, 11th March 2020

The second confirmed case of coronavirus in Birmingham has been confirmed today.

Second confirmed case of COVID-19 in Birmingham

The individual had recently returned from travelling Italy and is currently isolating at home with medical supervision. The individual is retired and any potential contacts that were potentially at risk of contracting the virus are currently being contacted by Public Health England (PHE).

Birmingham City Council is working closely with PHE and NHS colleagues to manage the situation and help reduce the risk of further cases.

Birmingham City Council’s Director of Public Health, Dr Justin Varney said:

“Guidance has recently changed so that any person returning from an affected country that shows symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately self-isolate to prevent any possible spread.

“In this case we are taking full precautions and are working hard with partners in the NHS and PHE to manage the ongoing situation as well a plan for future steps.

“The risk to the general public remains low and we are doing everything possible to prevent the virus from spreading and ensure residents in Birmingham are protected.

“Following Government guidance to take basic hygiene precautions remains the best way of significantly reducing the chances of spreading any virus: sneeze or cough into a tissue, bin it, wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands. We should do this regularly throughout the day.

“Good regular cleaning with normal detergent of surfaces people touch regularly or may cough onto, like door handles and lift buttons, is also sensible. People should log onto for the latest advice and information.”

There will be no further comment on this case.

The UK is well prepared for these types of incidents and there is rapid and effective testing undertaken by PHE for this virus. The NHS has expert teams of highly trained staff and specialist hospital units around the country ready to receive and care for any patients with any highly infectious disease. The NHS adheres to the highest safety standards for the protection of its staff, patients and the public.

Based on current evidence, Coronavirus COVID-19 presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild. Anyone who is concerned about health symptoms is advised to follow the advice about what to do on the Government’s website at



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