Council awarded £1.2m of government migration funding

Published: Thursday, 18th July 2019

Birmingham City Council received £1.2m from the Government's Controlling Migration fund, for two projects aimed at helping asylum seekers, refugees and migrants integrate into the city's communities.

The funding - a total of £1,222,380 - was announced by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and welcomed by Cllr John Cotton, Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, Community Safety and Equalities.

Councillor John Cotton said: "This new funding recognises work already taking place in Birmingham to establish more cohesive, resilient and settled communities.

“We are proud to be such a diverse city, and know migrants can offer so much in terms of jobs and skills, but we need to ensure they can access opportunities and support to make positive contributions to their communities.

"This funding will also help us to tackle issues that exist between different communities, reduce pressure on local services and carry out research so that we're in a better position to respond to future needs."

This latest funding allocation brings the national total awarded through the Controlling Migration Fund to £100 million since its launch. For more information, please visit:

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