Vote for your favourite park in the Green Flag People’s Choice Award

The experts had their say and in July, 15 of Birmingham’s parks were awarded the prestigious Green Flag Award.
Now, it’s time to celebrate them nationally and we’re asking everyone to have your say and decide which parks and green spaces should receive the People’s Choice Award for being the UK’s favourites.
Whether you enjoy visiting a park to play football, walk the dog, exercise or simply get away from the hustle and bustle, if you think your favourite deserves to be in the top 10 People’s Choice then cast your vote.
Cllr Sharon Thompson, Cabinet Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods at Birmingham City Council, said: “When it comes to parks and green spaces, Birmingham is one of Europe’s greenest cities. With access to such fantastic spaces, right on our doorstep, they should be celebrated. So I’d like to encourage everyone to go online and vote for your favourite to make sure that it gets the recognition it deserves and its place in the top 10.”
Voting opens 1 September and closes 30 September, with the top 10 sites being announced on 16 October.
Paul Todd, Green Flag Award Manager said: “The People’s Choice award is a chance to show how much your favourite park means to you. If it’s worth shouting about, make your voice heard and vote now.”
To vote, all you have to do is go to find your park on the winners map and click the voting button. Once you’ve registered your vote, why not encourage others to get involved too through social media using the hashtag #PeoplesChoice.