Big Creative Birmingham Conversation starts consultation to gauge city’s creative vision
Birmingham’s residents and visitors are being urged to take part in a public consultation to help shape the city’s creative vision for the next decade, which runs over June and July.
Birmingham City Council is launching its Big Creative Birmingham Conversation to involve people across all the city’s communities in a series of events and workshops throughout June – to see how an arts and culture sector can help citizens reach their full potential by working in the industry.
The first event is an online discussion on Monday 6 June, hosted by Symon Easton, Head of Cultural Development and Tourism, who will outline the city’s ambition for the arts and culture sector and its future development.
Cllr Jayne Francis, Cabinet Member for Digital, Culture, Heritage and Tourism, said: “Birmingham has an amazingly creative arts and culture sector – with its theatres, performers, makers, artists, designers and so on – but it was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.
“Birmingham is a great place in which to live, work and visit – and now we want to look forward to how we can help our creative industries develop future talent and help citizens pursue careers in arts and culture.
“So I would encourage people, regardless of their background or experience of arts and culture, to get involved to ensure their voices and views are heard.”
With the aim of being bolder and creating a better future for our generations to flourish and inspire their imagination, the city council along with its partners wants to refresh its strategic approach to creativity - starting with the Big Creative Conversation to help shape a vision and underpin a new strategy.
You can have your say by visiting the Big Creative Birmingham Conversation consultation on Birmingham BeHeard website to complete the survey.
Details of further creative discussions and engagement events taking place in June will be added to the council’s website over this period.
The consultation closes on 31 July 2022.