Cycling in Birmingham news
Electric bikes available to hire for the first time in Birmingham
From 8 December 2021, electric bikes may be hired from any of Birmingham's 85 docking stations situated in the most popular areas.

£1.6 million of cycling and walking measures to be delivered in Birmingham
Birmingham City Council have released details of several schemes to help encourage more people to walk and cycle safely as the UK lockdown eases.
A34 and A38 cycle routes officially opened
The latest segregated cycle route delivered as part of the Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR) programme has been completed and is now open for use.
It's the Big Birmingham Bikes giveaway
2,000 bright orange bikes have been given away as part of the wider Birmingham Cycle Revolution
Bid for funds to further improve cycle safety
Cycling safety in Birmingham will receive a further boost if the city council is successful in its bid for £1.6m cycle safety funding for the Birmingham Cycle Revolution scheme from government.
Work under way on new A38 cycle route
Work is now under way on a new high-quality cycle route linking Selly Oak and the University of Birmingham with the city centre, via the A38.
Your chance to apply for a FREE bike
Would-be cyclists are being invited to apply for a free bike giveaway – this time with an emphasis on encouraging families to cycle together.
Next phase of Birmingham Cycle Revolution set for green light
Cabinet is being asked to set the wheels in motion for the next phase of Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR).
Bikeability funding boost for Birmingham
Tens of thousands of Birmingham children will benefit from cycle training after the city was awarded a £1.2 million grant enabling the Bikeability scheme to continue until March 2020.