Roadworks and transport improvements news
New Green Travel District to create healthier communities
A pioneering new Green Travel District (GTD) for Sutton Walmley & Minworth, Reddicap and environs has been launched to help improve sustainable and active travel for residents, workers and visitors.
Car Free School Streets are springing-up around Birmingham
Colmore Junior and Infant School is one in the next round of Birmingham schools that will benefit from a Car Free School Street, this Easter.
Major regeneration for Smethwick to Birmingham corridor
The Smethwick to Birmingham Corridor Plan is going to cabinet for approval. It promotes a co-ordinated approach to regeneration and development.
Local Improvement Budget fund could enable Birmingham City Council to protect grass verges and pavement space from parked vehicles
Councillor Zaffar will be asking the Cabinet to approve a recommendation, on 14 December 2021, to create a Local Improvement Budget fund to improve localities.
A34 Perry Barr highways improvement scheme – Birchfield Bridge update
Birmingham City Council has announced details on the latest element of the A34 Perry Barr highways improvement scheme, including key dates for anyone who uses key transport routes in the area.
£1.6 million of cycling and walking measures to be delivered in Birmingham
Birmingham City Council have released details of several schemes to help encourage more people to walk and cycle safely as the UK lockdown eases.
Local school children share their thoughts on Birmingham City Council’s draft Transport Plan
Birmingham City Council hosted its School Transport Summit on Wednesday 11 March.
A34 Perry Barr highway improvement scheme
Cabinet will be asked to approve the full business case for the A34 Perry Barr highway improvement scheme when it meets on 15 October 2019.
Consultation on Perry Barr highways scheme set to begin
A programme of highway infrastructure improvements to open up the heart of Perry Barr and support the regeneration of the wider area is set to go out to public consultation.
Battery Way extension unlocks key employment site in East Birmingham
Construction of the Battery Way extension in Tyseley is now under way, unlocking a key employment site.
Dartmouth Circus works set to begin
Work to carry out essential maintenance and improvements to one of Birmingham’s busiest road junctions is set to begin next week.