What is happening

Artist impression of new look Digbeth High Street
The public realm improvements are expected to be completed in early 2024 and will include:
- A wide area of attractive public space with planting, trees, street lighting and flexible spaces for seating;
- One lane in each direction for general traffic on the northern side;
- Removal of some turning movements for traffic onto and off Digbeth, and at junctions on nearby side roads;
- Changes to the direction of traffic flows on some of the surrounding roads;
- A ‘bus, cycle and hackney carriage’ priority on one part of the road to remove through traffic while allowing access for local servicing (provision for loading will be from designated bays and side streets).
- Two-way Metro tracks running on the southern side (closest to the coach station) linking Digbeth to the West of Birmingham and the Black Country. The new line will be operational following the completion of the Midland Metro’s Birmingham Eastside Extension which includes the section of works at HS2’s Curzon Street Station.
We have created a map which visualises the different road use, new transport stops, such as those for the Metro and new one-way systems.
Download the Digbeth Public Realm map
Page last updated: 16 October 2023