Other areas of support you may need

Connect to Support is our service to help you live well in Birmingham. It provides an online advice guide, community directory and a marketplace for residents in Birmingham.

Financial support

If you need help to pay the cost of adapting your home, you can apply for a disabled facilities grant.

Apply for a Blue Badge

You can apply for a Blue Badge on our website.

Apply for a dropped kerb

Find out how to apply for a dropped kerb.

Apply for a parking bay outside your home

If you want to apply for a parking bay outside your home, you can make a request on our website. You must hold a valid Blue Badge to apply.

Housing options

Are you a tenant that rents a property from a private landlord, housing association or Birmingham City Council, and you want to move properties?

You can find out more information on our your housing needs assessment and housing options pages.

Walking aids, such as a walking frame or stick

To request a walking aid, you will need to contact your GP. This is so that you can be referred to community physiotherapy for a mobility assessment.

The referral will be submitted to Single Point of Access on 0300 555 1919 option 1.

Wheelchair requests

To request a wheelchair, see Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Wheelchair Services.

Mobility scooters

You will need to buy your own mobility scooter from an independent retailer.

We do not provide ramps or outdoor storage shelters for mobility scooters. You will need to buy this equipment yourself.

Request a replacement or repair of equipment

To request a replacement or repair of broken or unused equipment, contact Medequip on 0121 503 8850.

Assistive technology

Assistive technology is often used to describe products or systems that support:

  • individuals with disabilities
  • restricted mobility
  • other impairments to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to do

We also run a Careline emergency alarm system to provide emergency support for those who need it.

Small pieces of equipment

There are many small pieces of equipment that may be useful to use around the home. You can find more information on mobility aids for the elderly and disabled on the Manage at Home website.

Help for children and young people

To refer a child or young person under the age of 18, you will need to contact Birmingham Children’s Trust Occupational Therapy Service.

Page last updated: 7 March 2023

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