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Arts and Dying Well - breaking taboos on ageing and dying

Emotions and qualities differ between communities of place, communities of identity, and communities of experience.

Compassionate Cities and Communities aims to,

  • break down taboos and myths about dying
  • address how we can think about having compassionate conversations around dying
  • think about the emotional and cultural norms that make death difficult to discuss

This project aims to engage with diverse communities whilst remaining culturally and religiously sensitive to this subject.

The project will start work on two of the key requirements from the Compassionate Cities Charter:

  1. All our compassionate policies and services, and in the policies and practices of our official compassionate partners and alliances, will demonstrate an understanding of how diversity shapes the experience of ageing, dying, death, loss and care – through ethnic, religious, gendered, and sexual identity and through the social experiences of poverty, inequality, and disenfranchisement
  2. Our city will work with local social or print media to encourage an annual city-wide short story or art competition that helps raise awareness of ageing, dying, death, loss, or caring. The method of this will be community-led and will be decided towards the latter stages of the bid by working with the awarded providers.

Providers can apply for any of the following 5 community groups:

  1. Older adults (>65 years)
  2. LGBT+ community
  3. People with a disability
  4. Central and Eastern European community
  5. Irish community.

A maximum of £15,000 will be available for each community. We will only award 1 provider for each community group. You may bid for more than one community group, but you must fill out one application form per community.

All applications must receive an advice and guidance session from one of the Public Health Officers at Birmingham City Council prior to application.

The deadline for these sessions is 20 January 2023. This is 7 days before the application close date 27 January 2023.

How to book an advice and guidance session

To book a session, email

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