Information and advice

Information and advice is key when trying to keep up with the constant changing of the times! In Birmingham we are fortunate to have a number of venues that offer a variety of helpful, easy to access and useful information and advice.

A few examples of these services are:

  • money management (such as how to pay for care or access potential funds)
  • debt advice
  • care and support advice
  • referral to other organisations that can offer more tailored help
  • carers support and advice
  • information from groups on specific conditions, such as kidney disease

The information and advice services are there to make life a little bit easier with guidance and a helping hand. Most services are free of charge and are situated city wide. Some services are for the ageing population; however, some are for anyone to access. Information about this will be detailed in the description of the service.

Age UK, for example, provide many of the cities information and advice sessions and are tailored to help the ageing population only.

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