Early years pupil premium (EYPP)

Children in care aged three or four who are in receipt of 15 hours of free childcare are eligible to receive the early years pupil premium (EYPP).

The Virtual School is responsible for identifying those children who qualify and liaising with the Early Years Funding Team to allocate these funds to nurseries and early years providers.

The Department for Education has produced a detailed research report examining effective use and creative planning for the EYPP.

Like the PP+, the EYPP should be used to narrow the gap in attainment and social development between children in care and their peers.

Eligible children in care may receive up to a maximum of £300 per financial year, and planned expenditure and associated progress should be recorded by the child's early years provider through their PEP.

If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact the PLAC advisor.

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