Birmingham City Council financial challenges - time to Reset

To find out more about the budget and section 114 notice, visit our budget information page


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is an assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of the people of Birmingham. It is the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board and its purpose is to inform local organisations enabling them to plan services for the future.

Birmingham’s JSNA brings together a range of strategic overviews and detailed needs assessments with input from Council, NHS and partner agencies. We have grouped these into 4 themes:

  • Starting Well - maternity, children and young people
  • Living Well - working age adults
  • Ageing Well - older people
  • Local Priorities - Health and Wellbeing Board and STP

In addition, demographics and data relating to the health and wellbeing of the Birmingham population can be found in our local areas profiles. The JSNA should not be seen as a “one off” document. It is ever growing and changing as new reports and assessments are added, which can be referenced together.

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