Queen's Park
- Address
Queen's Park, Court Oak Road, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9AH
- How to get there and parking
Entrances on Queen’s Park Road and Court Oak Road (A4123).
Car park can be accessed from the Court Oak Road entrance.
Nearest bus stop on Court Oak Road.
- About the park
Queen’s Park was established in 1898 to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. It occupies a 10-acre site in Harborne and has always been a focal point for recreation during its 120-year history.
The land was originally part of a large swathe of farmland that dominated the area but when a site was needed for the park it was bought by the Harborne Charity Fete Committee and donated to the city council.
Nowadays it has a large open space that people use for a range of recreational activities or to just sit and relax for a while. There are also two tennis courts as well as a playground for young children and a basketball court.
The park is also very popular with dog walkers and joggers.
A recent development has been the addition of a flood basin which provides the park with a wetland habitat.
- Video introduction
- Facilities at the park
- 3 tennis courts
- Basketball court
- Children’s playground
- Informal football space
- Park benches
- Toilets
- There are no toilets on site.
- Other features
- Accessible tarmac paths
- Wetland habitat created on site
- Wooded areas
- Park friends group
For further information, or to get involved, contact: queensparkfriends2020@gmail.com