Parcels of land for the labouring poor

Parcels of land for the labouring poor photograph

Throughout their history, allotments and allotment gardens have been provided primarily for the relief of poverty. Often, and even in legislation, this concept has been openly acknowledged. Less frequently, it has been disguised by using terms such as “a means of occupying one’s time during periods of unemployment” or “an aid to the resettlement of returning ex-servicemen."

In the post war era land was a scarce commodity. Whilst allotments were once described as "parcels of land for the labouring poor", they quickly became vital spaces for potential housing developments and playing fields that could serve the growing populations of towns and cities such as Birmingham.

Many allotments returned to their original use as playing fields, although this was often contested and resisted by allotment holders.

Image location: Allotments Album, p7

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