To a Lady, with a Present of the True-Lover's Knot (c1800 to 1820)

To a lady with a present of the true lovers knot c 1800 1820 valentines card

Accept this pleasing trifle, pray, Do not the gift decline;
For thy acceptance then will say,
Thou'lt be my Valentine.
Tho' to no value it has claim,
It is of love the sign;
Then let the donor of the same,
Be deem'd thy Valentine.

They on whose Breast this sacred love doth place.
Shall after death the fruits thereof embrace.
Amongst the many pleasures that we prove
None are so real as the joys of Love.
For true Love is worth commending.
Still beginning, never ending
Love is a virtue that endures for Ever.
A link of matchless Jewels none can Sever.

A love knot symbolises the mutual affection between two people and its constancy. The knot is not easily undone and as it has no beginning and no end, the loving message is repeated eternally.

Location: The Lover's Valentine Writer (c1800 to 1820). Printed by G. Smeeton, 74 Tooley Street. Taken from A Collection of Nineteenth Century Valentines. Early and Fine Printing Collection.

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