Re-opening of Licensed Premises. Revised guidance 24/06/2020

Following Government guidance that non-essential shops can reopen from 15 June, it has now been announced (23/06/2020) that certain licensed and similar premises can reopen from 4 July 2020.

Read more about Re-opening of Licensed Premises. Revised guidance 24/06/2020

Re-opening of Licensed Premises. First Steps

Following Government guidance that non-essential shops can reopen from 15 June, questions remain about when and how licensed premises will be able to reopen.

Read more about Re-opening of Licensed Premises. First Steps

Security Screens - COVID 19

Black taxis are already fitted with partitions between drivers and passengers. The majority of PHVs do not have partitions/safety screens installed and there are a wide variety of different makes and model of PHVs in Birmingham.

Read more about Security Screens - COVID 19

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