Service update

The Licensing service is switching to a new computer system at the start of October.

What does this mean?

In the short term:

There will be disruption to the service we are able to provide while we switch from the two existing systems to one integrated system. Officers will try to minimise the effects as much as possible, but there will be a period of approximately two weeks during which normal transactions will be affected. The teams will be working to familiarise themselves with a much improved (and modernised) system and to catch up on any inevitable backlogs.

Longer term:

The new system will enable us to work more efficiently in order to process applications and administer licences. We will be implementing the back-office functions in this first phase of transition, with future phases bringing much improved online functionality and access.

It is no secret that the current systems struggled to cope with the new ways of working we had to adopt to keep our customers and staff safe during the COVID pandemic, and we thank you for your patience. Once the new system is in place we will of course endeavour to clear outstanding matters as quickly as possible, in the meantime your patience and understanding is appreciated.

Article posted 16 September 2022

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