Referral form 'Fast-Track'

You must have your exhibits (documents) ready to attach as a single PDF. No apostrophe, spaces or special characters in the filename.

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One form per child required for Fast-track, the exhibits must include:

  • a copy of the child’s attendance printout for this academic year and the previous academic year;
  • a copy of the signed Formal Warning Notices sent to the parent, including the attendance printout and the legal action leaflet;
  • a copy of the School Attendance Review Meeting minutes (or back page if they did not attend);
  • a copy of comments log (if the school hold this).

Do not send the Signs of Safety and wellbeing (3 Houses) Form.

Checklist reminder of what schools should have done before completing this form:

  • Completed section 6 of the early help assessment with the child at the start of the intervention (no earlier than 6 months before the SARM)?
  • Offered early help during an informal meeting with parents or conducted a home visit if there was no response to the offer (no earlier than 6 months before the SARM)?
  • Included both parents if applicable?
  • Used #you’vebeenmissed for children absent due to emotionally based school avoidance and consulted the STICK team?
  • Sought consent for a referral to the school nurse (with consent) where there is frequent illness absence and referred?
  • Ensured there is there at least one unauthorised absence after step one is concluded before the School Attendance Review Meeting?
  • Given 7 days written notice for the SARM?
  • Fully completed the SARM and asked the parents to sign the Parent/School Contract or back page completed if not attended?
  • Ensured there is at least one further unauthorised absence accrued after SARM (within a 10 school week period) before sending the formal warning notice?
  • Sent the formal warning notice to each parent separately to the correct address, and includes the legal information leaflet?
  • Ensured there are 10 sessions of unauthorised absence within a 10 school week period (or no sooner than 7 days) after the formal warning notice was sent?
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