What's New Bulletin 207 - 25 July 2024

This is edition 207 of the provider bulletin, containing information on guidance, procedures and new initiatives. Very urgent or high priority communications may still be issued on an ad hoc basis, but we will try to keep these to a minimum

1. REMINDER Care Homes Market Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) – July 2024 – Deadline 2 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham and contracted care homes)

2. REMINDER Cost of Care Exercise 2024 – Action required 18 August 2024 deadline – (Younger adult (18 to 64 years) care homes and supported living services located in Birmingham and the West Midlands region, and which are contracted to Birmingham City Council and Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System)

3. CONSULTATION Have your say on our Birmingham Joint Carers Strategy - Deadline 2 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham providers)

4. CONSULTATION Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together: Shaping and informing the Council’s Corporate Plan - Deadline 18 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham providers)

5. A message from Kate Terroni, Interim Chief Executive Care Quality Commission (CQC) (information for all providers)

6. Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (BSol ICB) Clinical Learning Alert (information for all Birmingham and Solihull care homes)

7. Ann Marie Howes Centre Summer Fete 3 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham providers)

8. Finding the Light in Dementia CPD Accredited Training Platform 20 Social Care spaces available (Information for Birmingham and Solihull providers)

9. Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) Resilience Based Clinical Supervision programme (information for all care homes)

10. REMINDER Social Care Nursing Advanced (SPQ) qualification courses starting September 2024 (information for all nursing homes)

11. Birmingham and Solihull Nurses and Clinical Leads Network for Nurses working in social care 5 September 2024 (Birmingham and Solihull care homes)

1. REMINDER Care Homes Market Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) - July 2024 - DEADLINE 2 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham and contracted care homes)

Care Home MIQ – July 2024

The deadline for completion is Friday 2 August 2024

This questionnaire is issued quarterly. Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

Completion of the questionnaire is part of the terms of our current contracts for contracted providers, but we ask all Birmingham providers to take part in the process to help us meet our responsibilities to all Birmingham citizens.

Many thanks to staff at the care homes who completed the previous questionnaires. If this did not include your care home, make sure that you complete the July and subsequent editions.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect information to assist our market shaping and development role, the production of our Market Position Statements, fulfil our Care Act duties around ensuring a quality and sustainable market, to help us direct resources, identify areas of risk, and monitor progress towards our strategic aims. It has been co-produced with health colleagues to reduce duplication in data collection, and has been streamlined so that we are only collecting information that is not available to us from elsewhere e.g. the Capacity Tracker.

Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

2. REMINDER Cost of Care Exercise 2024 – Action required 18 August 2024 deadline – (Younger adult (18-64 yrs) care homes and supported living services located in Birmingham and the West Midlands region, and which are contracted to Birmingham City Council and Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System)

On 8 July we launched our 2024 cost of care exercise. This year’s exercise is being carried out jointly by Birmingham City Council (BCC) and our NHS partners Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System (BSol ICS).

This year’s exercise will focus on gathering cost data in relation to supported living services and younger adult care homes located in Birmingham and the West Midlands region, and which are contracted to the BCC and BSol ICS. Please note that for care providers contracted to Birmingham City Council completion of the exercise is a requirement of the contract and therefore mandatory.

As in previous years the exercise requires you to submit a range of data in relation to the costs of delivering care and support services. The data we gather will help the Council and NHS understand costs across the care market and inform the fees we pay. We will not share your individual data without your permission, but we will aggregate the data received and will publish the outputs of the analysis ensuring anonymity.

Submit your cost of care templates to costofcare@birmingham.gov.uk in advance of the deadline – 11:59pm Sunday 18 August 2024.

If you need to ask a question, email costofcare@birmingham.gov.uk

Supported Living services:

You are required to complete the Supported Living Costing Tool 2024 Tab I. – Standard (Cost +) only. The tool and guidance are attached.

Submission deadline - 11.59pm Sunday 18 August 2024.

Younger Adult Care homes (18 to 64 years old):

You are required to complete the Care Home Costing Tool 2024. The tool and guidance are attached. Use the attached costing tool in the message and not that attached to the launch message on 8 July 2024, as this contained a small error in the operating profit calculation function. If you have already submitted your return, it does not materially affect the data you have supplied and we will amend the calculation on your submitted form.

Submission deadline - 11:59pm Sunday 18 August 2024.

Thank you in advance for your participation and timely submissions.

3. CONSULTATION Have your say on our Birmingham Joint Carers Strategy - Deadline 2 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham providers)

Anyone who provides care, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support is an unpaid Carer.

Caring can be a big commitment and carers themselves also need support with their own health and wellbeing. Carers are not always able to access the support they need. This strategy will shape how partners across the city support Carers needs. In March/April 2024, we consulted on the vision and commitments and your feedback helped to shape the full draft. Now we need your help again: to ensure it is ambitious and right for the city. Please take the time to answer yourself, and share the consultation with your colleagues, partners and citizens. The online survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and is completely confidential.

Complete the online survey

4. CONSULTATION Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together: Shaping and informing the Council’s Corporate Plan - Deadline 18 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham providers)

The Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together Strategic Partnership was announced by the Leader of the Council in March 2024. The partnership is supported by a network of individual citizens, community contacts, voluntary and community sector organisations and organisations that operate in Birmingham.

Its first task is to inform the future vision, mission and priorities of Birmingham City Council. This will help us design the City Council’s Corporate Plan so that it helps improve the lives of our citizens Initial discussions with citizens, communities and partners have identified 7 policy themes: Economy, Education, Employment, Environment, Health, Housing, Transport.

This survey will help us test and develop the initial list of policy themes through gathering a wide range of opinions on what the future priorities for the City Council should be. We also want to know what we should prioritise for each of these themes and whether you think there are other important themes missing.

There are a number of face to face and online meetings that are taking place, if you would like to come and share your thoughts in person with us. You can register for an event.

We would be grateful if you could spend 5 to 10 minutes completing the survey here

Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together: Shaping and informing the Council’s Corporate Plan - Birmingham City Council - Citizen Space (birminghambeheard.org.uk)

5. A message from Kate Terroni, Interim Chief Executive Care Quality Commission (CQC) (information for all providers)

In case you missed it, catch up on the message (see link below) from Kate Terroni, Interim Chief Executive that we shared earlier this week. The CQC would really like to hear your thoughts on whether this message from Kate adequately reflects your feedback, comments and concerns and whether the actions the CQC are proposing feel like the right ones.

the message

Share your views through this short survey

6. Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (BSol ICB) Clinical Learning Alert (information for all Birmingham and Solihull care homes)

The BSol ICB Clinical Quality Assurance Team are committed to sharing best practise, themes and trends, lessons learnt and improving quality, see the attached Clinical Learning Alert for recent themes and trends from Clinical incidents.

  • Syringe driver medications
  • Topical medication (creams etc)

Further information can be found on the BSOL ICB Quality Team webpage.

7. Ann Marie Howes Centre Summer Fete 3 August 2024 (information for all Birmingham providers)

Ann Marie Howes Centre is holding a summer fete on Saturday 3 August 2024 between 11:00am and 4:00pm and everyone is Welcome to attend! There will be a variety of stalls, tombola, raffle and other activities, as well as food and drink.

Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

Please note that only cash transactions will be available.

Please share with colleagues, partners and citizens as appropriate.

8. Finding the Light in Dementia CPD Accredited Training Platform 20 Social Care spaces available (Information for Birmingham and Solihull providers)

BSol Training Hub have purchased access to the Finding the Light in Dementia CPD Accredited Training Platform and would like to offer 20 places to social care.

Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk. This includes an overview on the training that has been developed by Dr Jane Mullins, Dementia Nurse Consultant. Social care teams can access the training online at any point, once enrolled. Users will have until March 2025 to complete the training modules. There is a wellbeing hub with films and audios on self -care hacks, coping with grief and bereavement, anxiety and mindfulness and 6 dementia training modules:

  • Understanding Dementia
  • Communicating and Connecting
  • Using Memories to Keep in Touch
  • Creating a Calm Safe Place
  • Understanding Moods, Emotions and Responses
  • I am still Me!

For any queries about the content or to register, email Sanaa Zabir: bsoltraininghub.physiciansassociate@nhs.ne

9. Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) Resilience Based Clinical Supervision programme (information for all care homes)

The FoNS is delighted to offer a fully-funded programme of Resilience based Clinical Supervision specifically for nurses in England’s social care sector. Nursing in a social care setting is recognised as increasingly challenging in today’s world. Resilience-based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) is a way of supporting you and your team by recognising your own and others’ emotions and how you can positively respond to them. RBCS is a tried and trusted model experienced by hundreds of nurses across the country and beyond. The model’s rationale is to increase an individual’s ability to respond positively to the emotional and physiological demands of their role. Resilience-based Clinical Supervision is not management supervision or appraisal, it is a form of restorative clinical supervision.

Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

Visit the Foundation of Nursing Studies website.

Email: rbcs.socialcare@fons.org

10. REMINDER Social Care Nursing Advanced (SPQ) qualification courses starting September 2024 (information for all nursing homes)

The NMC approval of the Social Care Nursing Advanced qualification (SPQ) is a watershed moment as it is recognition of social care nursing as a specialist field of nursing. The University of Central Birmingham (UCB) are keen to engage with Managers that would like their Registered Nurses to undertake the MSc apprenticeship as soon as possible to help them enrol staff for courses starting September 2024. Further information about this subject has been circulated to providers. To request a copy, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

If you could be a practice partner or support the programme in anyway, e.g. specialist teaching sessions, then UCB would also like to hear from you too.

This programme will be an excellent choice for Registered Nurses working across health and social care environments, to achieve an SPQ qualification, mapped to the 4 Pillars of Advanced Practice. The modules are specialist, co-developed with our stakeholder groups to provide specialist knowledge, support advanced skill development specifically for Registered Nurses working in adult social care and homeless and inclusion health environments.

For further information, email Professor Kathy Riley: K.ARiley@ucb.ac.uk

11. Birmingham and Solihull Nurses and Clinical Leads Network for Nurses working in social care 5 September 2024 (Birmingham and Solihull care homes)

The Birmingham and Solihull Nurses and Clinical Leads Network for Nurses working in social care met on 25 June 2024 and had a very informative meeting. There were many interesting presentations delivered at the meeting on Modified Diets, Nutrition Services, updates from the Social Care Nursing Advisory Council and Msc Specialist Practice for Social Care Nurses. The recording is available on YouTube.

The network is a unique platform that brings together nurses working in social care across Birmingham and Solihull, providing a valuable opportunity for nurses to connect, share ideas and knowledge, and receive support and guidance from peers. In addition to providing a space for peer-to-peer support and best practice sharing, our forum offers both national and regional updates, ensuring nurses stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

The network also provides a platform for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), helping our members to enhance their skills, knowledge, and expertise, and take their careers to the next level.

The date for the next virtual meeting is Thursday 5 September 2024. Booking details can be found on the Nurses and Clinical Leads Network website

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