COVID-19 What's New Bulletin 43 - 27 May 2021

This is the forty third weekly provider bulletin, containing information on guidance, procedures and new initiatives. Very urgent or high priority communications may still be issued on an ad hoc basis, but we will try to keep these to a minimum.


  1. UPDATED GUIDANCE Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes (Information for all Care Homes)
  2. Capacity Tracker changes (Information for all providers)


  1. Government announcement: New award to recognise exceptional practice in adult social care workforce (information for all providers)


1.UPDATED GUIDANCE Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes (Information for all Care Homes)

This guidance covers how to access test kits and step-by-step guides on how to use PCR and rapid lateral flow test kits for regular and outbreak testing of residents, staff and visiting professionals. It has been updated to reflect changes to end of outbreak testing and updated instructions on using the multiple upload spreadsheet, which can now be used to report both rapid lateral flow tests and PCR tests.

Review the full guidance below:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in adult care homes

2.Capacity Tracker changes (Information for all providers)

The following changes have been made to the system;
- Flu immunisation questions have been hidden from 20 May 2021. It is anticipated they will reappear from approximately September onwards.
- Covid-19 question referring to "letter issued by local authority offering staff a coronavirus vaccination” has been removed.
- Second Covid-19 vaccination questions have had validation added. Providers that enter zero will have to confirm this data is correct.
- IPC weekly visiting questions - providers that select a 'No' response to the question: “In the last 7 days, have your residents been able to receive visitors?” will be asked to provide further details about: What are the current challenges/barriers that need to be overcome to fully enable visits?”

The above changes require those providers that use the bulk upload functionality to take the following steps;
- Download and use the new template to reflect the above changes to ensure a successful update of the system is achieved.
- Review and refresh their first and second Covid vaccination data prior to uploading their information.

Further details on all the above changes can be found in the What’s New section (you need to already be logged in to the Capacity Tracker for the link to take you to the correct page).

Capacity Tracker



3.Government announcement: New award to recognise exceptional practice in adult social care workforce (information for all providers)

The exceptional efforts of the social care workforce will be recognised through a new award launched by the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care. Gold and silver awards will recognise outstanding contribution to adult social care. The award will bring recognition to social care workers in line with NHS workforce awards.

This new award is the first of its kind for adult social care and is open to the workforce from all settings and parts of the sector. The awards will be on an application basis and awarded throughout the year.

Nominations will be considered by a panel of NHS and adult social care chief nursing officers and adult social care sector representatives. The Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care aims to present the first award later this year. Applications are available as a form which should be supported by 2 signatories

Gold Award nomination form

Silver Award nomination form

To find out further information, please find the full press release below:

New award to recognise exceptional practice in adult social care workforce