Noticeboard: 15 October 2021

This week's Noticeboard includes the School Accessibility survey, information regarding EYSFF returns, training courses and opportunities.

Included in this update:

School Accessibility survey 2021

Improving the accessibility of our schools is a key priority for Birmingham City Council. We are particularly interested in the accessibility plan and facilities within schools. We are surveying the mainstream school estate to understand what facilities are currently available and what support schools may need to improve accessibility (e.g. access to funding).

In order to gather this information we are asking you to please complete the below BeHeard survey regarding accessibility at your school.  The link can be found below and the survey will be available from Thursday 14th October until Friday 19th November. 

This is a survey by Education Infrastructure in collaboration with the Physical Disability Support Service.  If you have any queries please contact the team ( If you have already previously completed this survey there is no need to submit a further response unless you wish to provide further information. 

EYSFF Returns for Autumn Term 2021

Schools with Early Years provision for 2, 3 and 4 year olds are required each term to provide the Fair Funding team with numbers of 2 year olds, EYPP and FSM take up so that we early years funding can be reconciled. From the Autumn term 2021 schools will no longer be provided with a spreadsheet, instead this will be completed by a simple on-line form that will be managed by the Early Years Funding Team (NEF).

You will receive communications and reminders from providing you with the on-line link – the fields you will be required to complete will be exactly the same as the spreadsheet. You will be expected to submit the information between 4th and 15th October 2021.

If you have any queries regarding the online form or the eligibility of children please email 

If you have any queries regarding your funding allocation please email

Services for Education training courses

The Power of Vocabulary

Learn about the ‘word gap’ and why we need to close it. An evidence led session, focusing on recent research to inform best practice in the primary classroom.


The Roles and Responsibilities of a New PSHE Subject Leader - Tuesday 2nd Nov 2021

This full-day course will help to clarify the role of PSHE Subject Leaders and provide awareness and understanding of national and local guidance that impacts upon the role. The session will focus on key areas of PSHE, Citizenship and includes Relationships and Sex Education.


Become an Expert MFL Curriculum Leader

A new way of developing your skills as a curriculum area lead. Work over the year with an MFL expert to address a number of subject delivery and management related situations and scenarios. Develop your own answers and thinking and then compare and contrast with our expert, to build your skills and knowledge. Each half term we will release a new case study video to you, followed by a second video on how our expert would address the issues in the case study.

This will start to develop your thinking by providing you with solutions and approaches to problems that can arise as a subject leader. At the end of each term you will be invited to attend a one hour live online event with the expert and your fellow course delegates, to discuss as a group your thinking and to reflect on how you dealt with the issues. Through this model you will move from beginning your journey as a MFL subject leader through to expert status by the end of the year. As we progress through the year you will be able to shape the future case studies to reflect your own school scenarios and context.


Teaching and Leading MFL in Primary Schools - Monday 8th Nov 2021

With the renewed Ofsted focus on middle leaders in schools, this course aims to give Modern Foreign Language subject leaders an understanding of second language acquisition and teaching foreign languages, whilst offering solutions to build teachers’ subject knowledge and ensure progression across year groups.


Free school careers programme for BAME students (Blueprint for All)

Blueprint for All has one space left for a Birmingham school on our flagship Pathways to Professions Programme this academic year. The Pathways to Professions Programme works with schools to provide young people from BAME and/or disadvantaged backgrounds aged 13-15 with skills, opportunities and knowledge to build their career aspirations. The programme includes workshops and talks delivered by aspirational industry professionals, and career carousels.

Please get in touch at as soon as possible to secure your school’s place on the programme.