Summer Reading Challenge 2020 - Back to school

The start of a new school year

Summer reading challenge poster

It’s September, start of a new school year!

After lockdown, it’s time to head back to school. Seeing your friends and teachers again. There will be lots of catching up to do with your friends, telling stories of your lockdown and summer adventures, great games to play in the playground and of course looking forward to getting some Maths, English, Science, History and Geography done!!

Starting a new class at school will be exciting for some children but others may be a little anxious and a little shy for the first week but that’s OK. Remember to speak to your parents, adults taking care of you and your teachers if you are worried. Then you can get about having fun while you learn!

Let’s think of some things to remember when going back to school.

  1. Your Shoes
  2. Teachers’ names
  3. Socks
  4. Shirt and Tie
  5. P.E. Kit
  6. Lunchbox
  7. Have your photo taken
  8. Sense of humour!
  9. To eat your breakfast
  10. Which way to walk to school

I am sure that you can think of some more things to add to the list!

To find out more, visit the Sumer Reading Challenge website.

Article posted 4 September 2020

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