What is corporate parenting?

What is Corporate Parenting?

When a child goes into care in Birmingham Children's Trust, the Trust becomes their corporate parent. That means that we’re responsible for making sure they have the best possible care and that they’re safe, in the same way that a good parent would.

We’ve written a list of 10 promises (the Birmingham Pledge) of what we’ll do to make sure that happens. Our promises are based on what children have told us is most important to them:

  • Promise 1: we’ll involve you in decisions that affect you and listen to your views.
  • Promise 2: we’ll try really hard to find the best possible place for you to live.
  • Promise 3: we’ll make sure that you have every opportunity possible to do well at school.
  • Promise 4: we’ll support you to do the things you enjoy and encourage you to take part in a wide range of activities, so that your talents, hobbies and interests are met.
  • Promise 5: we’ll take care of your health and encourage you to be healthy.
  • Promise 6: we’ll give you a good and clear assessment of your needs and an up-to-date care plan.
  • Promise 7: we’ll make sure you have your own social worker, who visits you regularly and gives you details about how to contact them (or someone else if they’re away) when you need them.
  • Promise 8: we’ll help you stay in touch with your family, friends and anyone else who’s important to you.
  • Promise 9: we’ll listen to what you have to say.
  • Promise 10: we’ll work with you and give you all the help and support you need to move successfully from care to adult life.