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Full Steam ahead for City Kitchen Branding Roll-Out!

Published: Friday, 24th February 2017


It’s full steam ahead for the CityServe – City Kitchen re-branding initiative. Despite it being half term, five more schools have been measured up this week.

Seven more will be visited next week in order that formal branding proposals can be drawn up and presented to the appropriate Head Teachers for their approval.

This will bring the number of schools that begun the branding process up to a total of 167.

Response to branding has been very positive:

When presented with their branding proposal, Holy Souls Catholic Primary chose to involve their pupils in making the final selection of design. After much discussion, and with assistance from the Client Manager, they chose a range of images with a stunning fresh fruit design.

The Deputy Head at St. Bernards Catholic Primary School tells us that branding will really ‘spruce up’ the dining zone. ‘Children and staff will really appreciate it – it will look bright, stimulating and engaging’. They are very much looking forward to seeing the finished product and are formulating their own plans for building on the basic theme.

The Kitchen Supervisor at Balaam Wood Academy has seen first-hand, the impact that branding can have. ‘It’s helped make our dining room a much more sociable space’, she says. ‘Whereas previously, students tended to leave the area as soon as they have finished eating, they are now much more content to sit and chat’.

Watch for branding coming to your school soon!