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Education Catering

Cityserve Select

Cityserve Select lets you focus on what you want, and need, to run a successful in-house catering provision.

Cityserve Select is here to help all schools deliver a high quality in-house catering service. Select provides a flexible foodservice mentoring and support package, letting you focus on what you want and need to deliver your school’s catering. It puts you 100% in control of the

All of our products and services are delivered by our award-winning industry professionals to help you run a successful catering service. By signing up to Cityserve Select you will receive access to the following:-

  • CITYSERVE | Buyers – Club - the best option for school food procurement
  • CITYSERVE | Saffron – kitchen management, finances, and online purchase pay
  • CITYSERVE | PAY – online and classroom ordering – cashless catering

You can then use the following services as and when you need them;

  • CITYSERVE | Learning & Development
  • CITYSERVE | CityKitchen
  • CITYSERVE | Office Support – HR, Recruitment, compliance, finance management, management support, chef support, marketing and branding etc

There’s no contract or minimum sign up time – making Cityserve Select your fully flexible and easy option.

Contact us today to find out about Cityserve Select – Can your school afford not to?
