DfE attendance return

This update includes a reminder about the DfE daily attendance return.

We would like to remind schools that the DfE is requesting completion of the daily educational setting status form throughout September so that attendance in schools and colleges can be monitored after the summer break.  The current proposal is to continue the form on a daily basis until the end of September, then to move to weekly submission.

Guidance on the form and the changes made to it since the summer term can be found here.

The sub-codes for reporting non-attendance due to COVID reasons have also been updated and can be found in the link here.

If you have not yet restarted your daily submission, we would really appreciate your submissions from today.  Along with the DfE, we acknowledge that this requires resource to complete and we are extremely grateful to all schools for continuing to provide the data, as it enables us to identify emerging difficulties and support schools across the city.


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