Update for schools: 30 March 2021

This update includes the slides and recording from a recent webinar, information to share with families ahead of primary offer day and a reminder about the Early Years survey.

Slides and recording from Operation Encompass webinar

Thank you to all the schools who attended yesterday afternoon’s webinar on Operation Encompass.

The slides Micho Moyo presented are attached here and a recording of the session can be accessed at this link.

Information for families ahead of primary offer day

Yesterday an email was sent to all families who have applied for primary school places ahead of offer day on Friday 16th April.

This information contained in this email is also set out on the council’s website at https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/primary_school_places_september_2021

Early Years and Childcare Weekly Survey

Thank you to the schools who complete the survey each week.  The information you provide is crucial for our report to the DfE each week and in supporting our sufficiency assessments and support for settings.

The survey now includes a section on Out of School provision, as it is vital for us to understand the situation across the city in relation to wraparound care for school children and this was not captured in the previous survey.  All providers and schools with a nursery class are asked to complete the form every week by Wednesday evening at 7pm. Once a school/setting reports that they are closed, they are not required to submit another return until they reopen. It only takes a few minutes to complete so we would encourage you to do so as soon as possible.  

The survey can be accessed using this link for schools Early Years Survey for Schools 

If you have any queries please contact EYDuty@birmingham.gov.uk